Big Mermaid¶
Example 1¶
graph TD;
A[Start] --> B{Initial Check};
B --> |True| C[Execute Task A1];
B --> |False| D[Execute Task A2];
C --> E{Evaluate Condition 1};
D --> F{Evaluate Condition 2};
E --> |True| G[Process A1.1];
E --> |False| H[Process A1.2];
F --> |True| I[Process A2.1];
F --> |False| J[Process A2.2];
G --> K{Decision Point 1};
H --> L{Decision Point 2};
I --> M{Decision Point 3};
J --> N{Decision Point 4};
K --> |Option 1| O[Action 1A];
K --> |Option 2| P[Action 1B];
L --> |Option 1| Q[Action 2A];
L --> |Option 2| R[Action 2B];
M --> |Option 1| S[Action 3A];
M --> |Option 2| T[Action 3B];
N --> |Option 1| U[Action 4A];
N --> |Option 2| V[Action 4B];
O --> W[Follow-up Task A1];
P --> W;
Q --> X[Follow-up Task A2];
R --> X;
S --> Y[Follow-up Task A3];
T --> Y;
U --> Z[Follow-up Task A4];
V --> Z;
W --> AA{Final Check 1};
X --> AB{Final Check 2};
Y --> AC{Final Check 3};
Z --> AD{Final Check 4};
AA --> |Pass| AE[Completion 1];
AA --> |Fail| AF[Re-evaluate A1];
AB --> |Pass| AG[Completion 2];
AB --> |Fail| AH[Re-evaluate A2];
AC --> |Pass| AI[Completion 3];
AC --> |Fail| AJ[Re-evaluate A3];
AD --> |Pass| AK[Completion 4];
AD --> |Fail| AL[Re-evaluate A4];
AE --> AM[End];
AF --> B;
AG --> AM;
AH --> B;
AI --> AM;
AJ --> B;
AK --> AM;
AL --> B;
Client --> DNS & CDN & lb[Load Balancer]
lb --> web[Web Server]
subgraph api
web --> accounts[Accounts API] & read[Read API]
memoryCache[Memory Cache]
accounts --> queue[Queue] --> tes
subgraph storage
dbPrimary[(SQL Write Primary)] -.- dbReplica[(SQL Read Replicas)]
objectStore[(Object Store)]
subgraph services
tes[Transaction Extraction Service] --> category[Category Service] & budget[Budget Service] & notif[Notification Service]
tes --> objectStore
CDN --> objectStore
tes --> dbPrimary
accounts --> dbPrimary & dbReplica
read --> dbReplica & memoryCache[Memory Cache]
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Example 2¶
This is the second example.
title: Mint (Scaled)
graph TB
Client --> DNS & CDN & lb[Load Balancer]
lb --> web[Web Server]
subgraph api
web --> accounts[Accounts API] & read[Read API]
memoryCache[Memory Cache]
accounts --> queue[Queue] --> tes
subgraph storage
dbPrimary[(SQL Write Primary)] -.- dbReplica[(SQL Read Replicas)]
objectStore[(Object Store)]
subgraph services
tes[Transaction Extraction Service] --> category[Category Service] & budget[Budget Service] & notif[Notification Service]
tes --> objectStore
CDN --> objectStore
tes --> dbPrimary
accounts --> dbPrimary & dbReplica
read --> dbReplica & memoryCache[Memory Cache]
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